Manager: Carol
Provided log evaluation and completion recommendations including reservoir mapping and location proposals.
Manager: Carol
Provided log evaluation and completion recommendations including reservoir mapping and location proposals.
Trinity University 1979-1983
San Antonio, Texas
Bachelor of Science in Geology
The Geological Society of America (GSA)
American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists (SIPES) Dallas Chapter President 2013,
National Board of Director (Treasurer 2016 and Vice Chairman of National Energy 2017) 2015-2018
National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
Eagle Scout (Received the rank of Eagle Scout in January 1978)
Professional Geologist, State of Texas, No. 550
Corrective Action Project Manager, TCEQ No. PM0000211
Certified Hazardous Materials Manager, No. 3992
Registered Environmental Professional, NREP #369496
Certified Earth Scientist, Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists No. 3171
Ironman Triathlete (Ironman Texas 2011) USAT #536657
Ironman 70.3 World Championships Qualifier (2010)
Shiels Engineering, Inc. 2005-Present
Kaufman, Texas
Principal Consulting Geologist, Shareholder, and Vice President
Shiels conducts environmental, health & safety compliance inspections, waste
management unit closures, health and safety training, subsurface investigations,
Phase I ESAs, Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) closures, Municipal Setting
Designations (MSDs), Storm Water plans, assists with Spill Prevention, Control,
& Countermeasures Plans (SPCCs) and provides expert testimony for private
industry clients. Provides support and assistance in oil & gas E&P projects,
develops SPCC plans, storm water plans, Environmental Health & Safety (EHS)
training, groundwater studies, asbestos abatement project oversight, moisture
intrusion assessments and indoor air quality studies.
Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) 2005-Present
Texas A&M
Mesquite, Texas
Course Instructor (Subject Matter Expert)
Shiels assisted TEEX course designers in creating PRT145; an Oil & Gas
Environmental Regulations Course and OSH301 Excavation, Trenching and Soil
Mechanics and serves as a course instructor for both PRT145 and OSH301. He
also teaches OSH201 a Hazardous Materials course dealing with flammable
liquids, hazardous and flammable gases, LPG, cryogenics and other hazardous
materials. Shiels teaches General Industry OSH511, Lockout/Tagout OSH711,
and OSH226 Confined Space. Shiels teaches environmental courses for TEEX
including Fundamentals of Geology, Storm Water Permitting, Hazardous Waste
Management, Introduction and Principles of Hydrogeology, Environmental
Sampling for Investigators, Environmental Field Analysis, Fate & Transport of
Contaminants, Environmental Site Assessments and the CHMM Exam Preparation Course.
Caldwell Engineering, Inc. 1999-2005
Richardson, Texas
Senior Project Manager and shareholder
Shiels managed environmental compliance audits, health and safety training,
subsurface investigations, ESAs, Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) closures,
Storm Water plans, assisted with Spill Prevention, Control, & Countermeasures
Plans (SPCCs), and provided expert testimony for private industry clients.
HBC Engineering, Inc. 1994-1999
Dallas, Texas
Manager of Environmental Services and Shareholder
Managed several programs including, UST removals and closures, solid waste
landfill investigations and closures, Groundwater investigations involving
chlorinated solvents released from industrial facilities and dry cleaners, expert
testimony, industrial facility compliance audits, and health & safety training.
Southwestern Laboratories, Inc. 1990-1994
Dallas, Texas
Program Manager
Managed several programs including, environmental site assessments (ESAs),
UST removals and closures, solid waste landfill investigations and closures,
Groundwater investigations involving chlorinated solvents released from
industrial facilities and dry cleaners, expert testimony, industrial facility
compliance audits, and health & safety training.
Applied Earth Sciences 1988-1990
Dallas, Texas
Field Geologist
Project Manager who conducted subsurface investigations, remediation and
underground storage tank (UST) removals for major oil and gas clients in the
Dallas/Fort Worth area.
Ecology & Environment, Inc. 1986- 1988
Dallas, Texas
Field Geologist
Served as a (field investigator) geologist for the U.S. EPA under a Superfund
(REM/FIT) contract. Projects included hazardous waste site assessments, site
investigations, Hazardous Ranking System (HRS) site evaluations, and infrared
aerial photograph interpretations (supplied by NASA) and ground-truthing of
suspected sites of interest in Region VI.
Murjo Oil & Royalty 1984-1986
Tyler and Houston, Texas
Field Geologist
Well site work, log analysis and interpretation,
prospect evaluation and generation, sales of prospects.
David graduated from Trinity University in 1983 with a B.S. in Geology. He is currently a
Principal Hydrogeologist, Certified Hazardous Materials Manager and Corrective Action
Project Manager at Shiels Engineering, Inc. specializing in industrial compliance, subsurface
investigation and the remediation of surface soil and groundwater resources resulting from
releases or spills at oil & gas (E&P) or industrial facilities. Facility waste management continues
to be his specialty. David enjoys finding innovative approaches for industrial or E&P clients in
waste reuse or recycling techniques while complying with Federal and State waste rules. He
has experience in evaluating hazardous waste sites and in the preparation and implementation
of soil and groundwater sampling programs. David has successfully closed sites under the
Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP). He has experience in testifying as an expert witness
concerning numerous cases where hazardous constituents were at issue with a site.
His other experience includes the development of Spill Prevention, Control and
Countermeasures (SPCC) plans and air permits (usually a PBR if not de minimus) for oil & gas
operators in the East Texas Basin including oil handler training. David has extensive experience
in environmental forensic studies from the characterization of industrial waste streams to
evaluating releases of unknown substances to the environment. He has designed and installed
groundwater monitoring wells (single and multiple cased wells), installed groundwater treatment
systems, Vapor Extraction Systems (VES), and in-situ and ex-situ bio-remediation systems.
David manages water intrusion events during construction projects by assembling a team of
professionals, including industrial hygienists, to map wet areas with potential fungal growth. His
teams will continue to assess and map affected areas until remediation is complete.
David is also currently an instructor for Texas A&M’s Engineering Extension Service (TEEX).
He assisted in creating the course curriculum and delivers training for PRT-145 an Oil & Gas
Exploration and Production Environmental Regulations course and OSH301 an Excavation,
Trenching,and soil mechanics course. He is a course instructor for OSH201 a hazardous
materials course concerning management of flammable and hazardous gasses and liquids.
Shiels teaches environmental courses for TEEX including Fundamentals of Geology, Storm
Water Permitting, Hazardous Waste Management, Introduction and Principles of Hydrogeology,
Environmental Sampling for Investigators, Environmental Field Analysis, Fate & Transport of
Contaminants, Environmental Site Assessments and the CHMM Exam Preparation Course.
Oil & Gas |
East Texas Minerals Evaluation |
Carol |
Technical support in the evaluation of over 7,000 acres of oil and gas properties. Carol facilitated the negotiations and sale of the properties throughout the entire process. |
Horizontal Drilling in Southeastern Kansas, Cherokee Basin |
Carol |
Managed subcontractors in the drilling and completion of a horizontal well near Iola, Kansas. The well was completed in a coal seam to extract methane gas. |
Development of East Texas Cotton Valley Wells |
Carol |
Provided log evaluation and completion recommendations including reservoir mapping an location proposals |
Prospect Generation in Waskom, Woodlawn, Gooch, Rodessa, Minden, and Overton Fields in Texas |
Carol |
Developed prospective areas over thousands of acres of oil and gas minerals which have been leased and drilled with an 87% success ratio. |
Well Site Work in Texas and southeastern Kansas |
Carol |
Provides well site assistance including logging, drill stem testing and coring throughout Texas and southeastern Kansas. |
Expert Testimony |
Carol |
Has served as an expert witness in dozens of cases concerning field rules, spacing exceptions, correlative rights, lease perpetuation and new field designations in East Texas and Fort Worth Basin areas. |
Training |
8-Hour and 40 Hour HAZWOPER Training in North Texas |
David |
Conducts Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) training for industry and environmental consulting firms in North Texas. The training is usually held at the client’s office. |
RCRA, Storm Water Pollution Prevention and SPCC Training |
David |
Has Conducted many training sessions with industry that include waste management, pollution and spill prevention. |
Course Development and Instruction for Texas A&M’s Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) in Mesquite, Texas |
David |
Assisted in putting together PRT-145 for TEEX. Also conducted training for PRT-145: Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Environmental Regulations course. |
EHS Consulting |
VCP Closure of a 40.5 acre industrial facility in Dallas, Texas |
David |
Conducted a comprehensive Environmental Site Assessment, Environmental Subsurface Investigation, entered site in Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) and pursued closure of the site using MSD adjusted critical Protective Concentration Levels (PCLs) under the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP). The City of Dallas and TCEQ approved the MSD application. |
VCP Closure of a Semiconductor Facility in West Texas |
David |
Conducted site investigation, decontamination and closure oversight of a former semiconductor assembly building. Site investigation efforts concluded that the facility’s waste collection system had leaked over time and released trichloroethylene (TCE) into soils at the site. The site was entered into the TCEQ’s VCP where a remedial plan was approved involving the excavation and removal of the affected soil to below the TCE cleanup criteria. Provided oversight of remedial contractor to verify that closure goals were met. |
VCP & IOP Closure of a Printing Facility in North Texas |
David |
Conducted an Environmental Site Assessment on a printing facility. Environmental concerns were further investigated and two groundwater plumes were identified; one from off-site and one from on-site. The site was entered into the Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) and the Innocent Owner Purchaser (IOP) programs. Certificates of completion were issued for both the IOP (off-site source) plume and the VCP (on-site) plume under TRRP. |
Multimedia Environmental, Health and Safety Compliance Audit, Printing Facility in North Texas |
David |
Conducted a multimedia environmental, health and safety Compliance Audit of a major printing facility in north Texas. The audit was conducted pursuant to Section 10(g) of the Environmental, Health and Safety Audit Privilege Act, which provides immunity for violations voluntarily disclosed as a result of a compliance audit. The scope of the audit included the evaluation of the facilities compliance with applicable Environmental, Health and Safety regulations, as well as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hazardous waste regulations and TCEQ Industrial Solid and Hazardous Waste regulations, TCEQ’s Air Quality, TCEQ’s Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit, and local Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Discharge Permits. |
Expert Testimony, retained by plaintiff in DFW Metroplex area |
David |
Served as an expert witness on a case where hazardous industrial waste sludge (lead) was spilled on the plaintiff's property. Testimony included disclosure of the results of an extensive environmental site investigation that determined the aerial and vertical extent of affected media. The case was settled out of court in favor of the plaintiff. |
Ongoing EHS Compliance Consulting for Galvanizing Facility |
David |
Serves the facility in a compliance capacity for programs including Hazcom, Confined Space, Lockout/Tagout, storm water pollution prevention plans & sampling, Pollution Prevention (P2 Plan) Plan (Source Reduction & Waste Minimization), Form R and TRI reporting, Tier II reporting and develops & conducts EHS programs training. |
VCP Closure and Groundwater Remediation in Grapevine, Texas |
David |
Entered site in VCP and pursued closure under TRRP for site in Grapevine, Texas. The groundwater plume contained dissolved concentrations of trichloroethylene, cis-1, 2-dichloroethene and vinyl chloride. The project involved installation of groundwater monitoring wells to delineate the horizontal and vertical extent of affected media. Geological cross-sections and geological subsurface maps were drawn to evaluate the site’s geology. Numerous subsurface maps of groundwater contaminates were drawn to illustrate the dimension and character of the groundwater plume. Observed and monitored the installation and operation of a potassium permanganate injection system utilized to treat the chlorinated solvent affected groundwater. Conducted groundwater sampling to evaluate the effectiveness of the potassium permanganate injections. The project has been closed and the property was sold. |
Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCC) Development |
Carol |
Completed SPCC plans for 43 producing wells in east Texas for an oil & gas operator. |
Other Projects |
Groundwater and Surface Water Intrusion at a Warehouse Facility in North Texas |
Carol & David |
Conducted surface drainage and subsurface groundwater investigation to solve a flooding problem at a warehouse facility in northern Texas. Seven groundwater observation wells were installed in two shallow horizons; unconsolidated clayey soils and weathered Austin Chalk. The problem was solved by regarding the site and rerouting downspouts to channel water away from the building structure. |
Princeton University 1976-1980
Princeton, New Jersey
BSE: Geological Engineering
Shiels Engineering, Inc. 2003-Present
Kaufman, Texas
(Certified Woman or Minority Owned Business HUB & NCTRCA )
Kaufman, TexasPrincipal Consulting Geologist & Engineer
Consultant in Oil & Gas and Geological Engineering Operations. Hopewell Operating continues to be a client with ongoing responsibilities of day to day operations. Extensive operations in East Texas, Permian Basin and Southeast Kansas. Environmental compliance work on SPCCs and air emissions inventories as a Professional Engineer. Other clients include Howell Oil & Gas and others. Consulting on an as-needed basis from prospect generation and evaluation, drilling operations, completion to regulatory compliance.
Michael H. Shelby/Hopewell Operating
Dallas, Texas
Geologist & Geological Engineer
Technical operations for a small independent Oil & Gas Operator. Developing acreage with in-field wells. Reservoir analysis, calculating reserves, proposing, drilling and evaluating wells. Extensive Railroad Commission hearings and testimony regarding field operations and regulatory compliance.
Marshall Exploration 1982-1986
Marshall, Texas
Geologist & Geological Engineer
Generating prospects, evaluating acreage, log analysis, coring, logging and drill stem testing. Seismic mapping, structural and stratigraphic interpretation, quality checks, organization of geophysical department.
Schlumberger Well Services 1980-1982
Shreveport, Louisiana
Field Engineer & Senior Field Engineer
Running logs, detailed log interpretation on location and in the client’s office. Geological implementation of log data into the client model.
Ms. Shiels is a Registered Professional Engineer (TX#69699) and a Certified Petroleum Geologist (#5141). She is a member of the Society of Professional Well Log Analysts (SPWLA) and a current National Board Member of the Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists (SIPES). Ms. Shiels combines her geologic expertise of reservoir geometries and depositional environments with the implementation of engineering evaluation and practice. Her thirty three (33) years of operations superimposes an understanding of practical feasibility. Ms. Shiels has been the main technical guidance for several independent operators during the course of her career. Her communications skills enable her client’s staff to work efficiently together.
Oil & Gas |
East Texas Minerals Evaluation |
Carol |
Technical support in the evaluation of over 7,000 acres of oil and gas properties. Carol facilitated the negotiations and sale of the properties throughout the entire process. |
Horizontal Drilling in Southeastern Kansas, Cherokee Basin |
Carol |
Managed subcontractors in the drilling and completion of a horizontal well near Iola, Kansas. The well was completed in a coal seam to extract methane gas. |
Development of East Texas Cotton Valley Wells |
Carol |
Provided log evaluation and completion recommendations including reservoir mapping and location proposals. |
Prospect Generation near Overton, Texas |
Carol |
Developed a prospective area of over 2,500 acres of oil and gas minerals which have been leased and should be drilled within the year near Overton, Smith County, Texas. Potential horizons include the Haynesville Lime, Cotton Valley Sands and Rodessa Lime. |
Well Site Work in Texas and southeastern Kansas |
Carol |
Provided well site assistance including logging, drill stem testing and coring throughout Texas and southeastern Kansas for 27 years. |
Expert Testimony |
Carol |
Has served as an expert witness in over 25 cases concerning field rules, spacing exceptions, correlative rights, lease perpetuation and new field designations in East Texas and Fort Worth Basin areas. |
Training |
8-Hour HAZWOPER Training in Dallas, Texas |
David |
Conducted annual Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) refresher training for private industry clients in Terrell, Texas. The training was held at the client’s facility. |
40-Hour HAZWOPER Training in Carrollton, Texas |
David |
Conducted basic 40 Hour Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) training for an environmental consulting firm in Carrollton, Texas. The training was held at the client’s office including field training exercises. |
Course Development and Instruction for Texas A&M’s Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) in Mesquite, Texas |
Carol & David |
Assisted in putting together PRT-145 for TEEX. Also conducted training for PRT-145: Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Environmental Regulations course. |
Environmental Consulting |
VCP Closure of a 40.5 acre industrial facility in Dallas, Texas |
David |
Conducted a comprehensive Environmental Site Assessment, Environmental Subsurface Investigation, entered site in Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) and pursued closure of the site using MSD adjusted critical Protective Concentration Levels (PCLs) under the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP). The City of Dallas approved the MSD application in January 2007 and the TCEQ MSD application was approved in March 2007. The Affected Property Assessment Report (APAR) was approved and the certificate of completion was issued. |
VCP Closure of a Semiconductor Facility in West Texas |
David |
Conducted site investigation, decontamination and closure oversight of a former semiconductor assembly building. Site investigation efforts concluded that the facility’s waste collection system had leaked over time and released trichloroethylene (TCE) into soils at the site. The site was entered into the TCEQ’s VCP where a remedial plan was approved involving the excavation and removal of the affected soil to below the TCE cleanup criteria. Provided oversight of remedial contractor to verify that closure goals were met. |
VCP & IOP Closure of a Printing Facility in North Texas |
David |
Conducted an Environmental Site Assessment on a printing facility in north Texas. Environmental concerns were further investigated and two groundwater plumes were identified; one from off-site and one from on-site. The site was entered into the Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) and the Innocent Owner Purchaser (IOP) programs. Certificates of completion were issued for both the IOP (off-site source) plume and the VCP (on-site) plume under TRRP. |
Multimedia Environmental Compliance Audit, Printing Facility in North Texas |
David |
Conducted a multimedia environmental Compliance Audit of a major Newspaper printing facility in north Texas. The audit was conducted pursuant to Section 10(g) of the Environmental, Health and Safety Audit Privilege Act, which provides immunity for violations voluntarily disclosed as a result of a compliance audit. The scope of the audit included the evaluation of the facilities compliance with applicable Environmental, Health and Safety regulations, as well as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hazardous waste regulations and TCEQ Industrial Solid and Hazardous Waste regulations, TCEQ’s Air Quality, TCEQ’s Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit, and local Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Discharge Permits. |
Expert Testimony, retained by plaintiff in DFW Metroplex area |
David |
Served as an expert witness on a case where hazardous industrial waste sludge (lead) was spilled on the plaintiff's property. Testimony included disclosure of the results of an extensive environmental site investigation that determine the aerial and vertical extent of affected media. The case was settled out of court in favor of the plaintiff. |
Ongoing Compliance Consulting for Electroplating Facility |
David |
Serves the facility in a compliance capacity for programs including storm water pollution prevention plans & sampling, Pollution Prevention (P2 Plan) Plan (Source Reduction & Waste Minimization), Form R and TRI reporting, Tier II reporting and develops & conducts environmental programs training. |
VCP Closure and Groundwater Remediation in Grapevine, Texas |
David |
Entered site in VCP and pursued closure under TRRP for site in Grapevine, Texas. The groundwater plume contained dissolved concentrations of trichloroethylene, cis-1, 2-dichloroethene and vinyl chloride. The project involved installation of groundwater monitoring wells to delineate the horizontal and vertical extent of affected media. Geological cross-sections and geological subsurface maps were drawn to evaluate the site’s geology. Numerous subsurface maps of groundwater contaminants were drawn to illustrate the dimension and character of the groundwater plume. Observed and monitored the installation and operation of a potassium permanganate injection system utilized to treat the chlorinated solvent affected groundwater. Conducted groundwater sampling to evaluate the effectiveness of the potassium permanganate injections. The project has been closed and the property was sold. |
Other Projects |
Groundwater and Surface Water Intrusion at a Warehouse Facility in North Texas |
Carol & David |
Conducted surface drainage and subsurface groundwater investigation to solve a flooding problem at a warehouse facility in northern Texas. Seven groundwater observation wells were installed in two shallow horizons; unconsolidated clayey soils and weathered Austin Chalk. The problem was solved by re-grading the site and rerouting downspouts to channel water away from the building structure. |